Under the moon of love
We love you to the Moon and back, our Christine, miss your laugh
I sit Under the moon tonight, memories of you, your smile
But still thankful for all, never forgetting, you heal my soul
Your love never letting go, of any of us
This was love, pure unconditional love,
where you did not have to be good enough
And I remember
Mill Green, the round field, crescent green
children’s homes
Cola bottles made in ice cube trays
Anticipation in my young bones
That you were always going to come for me
With blackcurrant and strawberry chewits,
with kisses, and giggles
standing proudly behind my buggy
my sisters, my brother and me
‘An I knew I was loved,
In the arms of my sister, escaping our mum
You see
Our Christine, she was fierce,
She’d knock anybody out who deserved it
she was my safety, she was our trust
me, Ethel and colin, all of us.
I know things, before being adopted
But they never asked me that
Just took as a fact,
that I was subnormal
The social workers told me
all were embarrassed about me
A brown skinned baby
In an Irish family
Your love never left, went to the moon and back
I knew I was part of a family
Within a family of orphans,
No mum, No dad
I knew my big sister, always loved me
She had my back
she would push and walk, me for miles and miles
away from harm or back for tea
My mouth full of sweets,
Shirley Bassy and Showaddywaddy songs
as we walked along
In the heart of middle class
In the rush of then change
I was adopted into my family
Without much say
But remember talking to mum
about my brother and sisters
and the loss that we couldn’t be together
I needed you
I want to sleep afraid of the dark
As a young child I had a broken heart
An I Rember for you, I was mourning
you told me I was performing for you
Before I was walking
And that is how our craig found me,
On the 18th of August my son’s birthday
My sister and me met at the train station
Hugged and laughed x
I remember that feeling of letting you down
Just you didn’t feel it
You knew me before me, and before they believed us
It’s really filled my heart, that the love YOU, had and the love you created
With your Les and children and grandchildren,
our kid you made it,
your happiness, and strength, your loyalty your trust
could never not be in awe of you, big sister
I hope one day that we will all be together
Laugh together, brother and sisters
That there is a next zone then here
That is peaceful and kinder
Then the scars that were stepped on, by those who never knew better
And maybe we get to all meet in the garden, with Trees, and the squirrels
without judgement or hurt
to laugh, swear, be bad bitches and Joke
We love you to the Moon and back,
Our Christine,
we love you more
Your sister, Michelle x